Student Coaching

Sign Up for Student Coaching

If you would like to sign up for traditional or virtual Student Coaching, click the link below to fill out an online form, email us at, call us at 907-486-1266, or stop by Student Services at 103 Campus Center.  You will be happy you did!

 Connecting Students to the Campus Community

Student Coaching is based on the simple idea that new students benefit from having a personal contact on campus.  Student Coaches and students are in contact (in person, on the phone, by email or by text) at least once each week to discuss how the semester is going and any concerns or issues that are interfering with the student's success in college.  Your Coach will be able to help you connect with services on campus and/or give advice on how to handle common problems that many college students experience. Student Coaching is completely voluntary for both students and coaches.  However, you should know that students who complete the Student Coaching program have higher GPAs and tend to persist toward their academic goals at a higher rate than those who do not.

Virtual Student Coaching

The Virtual Student Coaching program is built on the same principles as traditional Student Coaching and seeks to offer eLearning students equal opportunities for guidance. Students and coaches still contact each other once a week through a variety of communication methods (email, text, Skype, FaceTime, Facebook, phone, etc.). As with traditional Student Coaching, eLearning students can expect to receive advice and encouragement from their coaches on a number of issues throughout the semester.

Sign Up for Student Coaching

Resources for Students and Coaches