Barbara Brown
(907) 486-1211
Barbara Brown, Academic Counselor and Professor of Counseling, provides academic advising for new students, undecided students and students in the Associate of Arts, General Program. Additionally, Barbara is the contact at Kodiak College for students who are requesting Disability Support Services (DSS). She is also available to guide students as they develop an academic plan and improve their decision-making and problem-solving skills. Barbara believes that patience and persistence are two qualities successful students must cultivate.
Barbara has been the Academic Counselor at Kodiak College since 2003. She earned a BS in Sociology and Women’s Studies minor and an MSE in College Student Development and Administration at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Barbara counsels current and prospective students about academic options, teaches college success and human relations courses, and chairs the Student Services and Social Sciences departments. Her professional and research interests include college readiness, student success initiatives, and conflict resolution.
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