Student Success Programs

We Want to Help You Succeed

Kodiak College has award programs to help you continue to pay for tuition throughout your time here. You will find that keeping your grades up and working hard towards your goals really pays off!

man studying at a tablestudents in a classroomstudents in a science lab

What is JumpStart?

A College Success Program for Kodiak Island Borough residents!

Who is Eligible?
First-Time Freshmen – up to 6 credits in first semester
High School Students - up to 6 credits per semester

What is the cost?
$100 per credit for tuition + all course fees and materials

Program Details:
The JumpStart tuition rate will be applied to Kodiak campus courses only. 

Program is contingent on KIB funding.

How to Qualify

High School Students:

First-Time Freshmen:

  • Apply for admission to a Kodiak College degree or certificate program
  • Take the required placement test for writing and math
  • See an advisor for registration and financial aid
  • Attend New Student Orientation (see Academic Dates and Deadlines for date and time) or complete the New Student Online Orientation before the semester begins

What is Persistence Pays?

A financial award program for students who continue their studies from 1st year to 2nd year without a break.

Who is Eligible?
JumpStart Students

What is the Award Amount?
$250-$1000 (scholarship per semester)

Program Details:
The Persistence Pays award will be applied to each qualifying student's account.

Contact Student Services for more details (907) 486-1266. 

How to Qualify

2nd year- fall semester: 
Successfully complete first year as a JumpStart student:

  • Admission to Kodiak College
  • 2.5+ overall UAA GPA
  • Account in good standing (no holds)
  • Meet with your advisor to update degree plan
  • Register for fall classes no later than August 15th

2nd year- spring semester:
Successfully complete fall semester as a Persistence Pays recipient

  • Admission to Kodiak College
  • 2.5+ overall UAA GPA
  • Account in good standing (no holds)
  • Meet with your advisor to update degree plan
  • Register for spring classes no later than December 31st

What is StepUp?

This scholarship's purpose is to give students who are stepping up to the plate to start their education, continue their education, or run into unexpected challenges a helping hand and a Step Up. 


  • Residents of Kodiak Island Borough
  • Students taking Kodiak College classes (this funding only applies to courses from Kodiak College)
  • Students can be certificate or degree-seeking or non-degree seeking
  • Students who receive academic advising and create a degree plan in Degree Works
  • Students who receive financial aid advising 


A Variety of Students Qualify 

  • Students who do not qualify for Financial Aid*
  • Students who want to take more classes but cannot afford to work less. 

*StepUp students who do not qualify for financial aid must meet the following benchmarks in order to be eligible for funding in future semesters:

  • Submit a financial aid appeal (if applicable)
  • Apply for scholarships that can supplement StepUp funding 
  • Successfully complete all courses in which they are enrolled
  • Maintain a 2.5 semester GPA
  • Follow academic advising recommendations (tracked in Degree Works)
  • Participate in Student Coaching or take UNIV A150 or both as recommended by an academic advisor
  • Complete the FAFSA, UAOnline Scholarship, and Kodiak Foundation Scholarships as well as seek money outside of federal funding.