Spring Booklist

Textbook List for Spring 2025 Semester

Textbooks are available through many different vendors and students are encouraged to shop for the best prices. Pay particular attention to any instructions like "any edition acceptable" or "see instructor for textbook".

Last updated October 27, 2024

CRN Subject Course Number Section Course Title Book Title ISBN Instructor
34118 AKNS A102E 1D1 *Elementary Alutiiq Lang II OER/Zero Cost Text NA Azuyak P
34119 AKNS A201 1D1 *Alaska Native Perspectives The Alaska Native Reader 9780822344803 Eufemio E
34120 AKNS A201 1D2 *Alaska Native Perspectives The Alaska Native Reader 9780822344803 Eufemio E
34571 AKNS A201 1D3 *Alaska Native Perspectives The Alaska Native Reader 9780822344803 Eufemio E
34572 AKNS A292A 1D1 *AK Native Lang Apprenticeship How to Keep Your Language Alive: A Commonsense Approach to One-on-One Language Learning 9781890771423  Alden M
34572 AKNS A292A 1D1 *AK Native Lang Apprenticeship Bringing Our Languages Home: Language Revitalization for Families 9781597142007  Alden M
34122 ANTH A211 1D1 *Archaeology Archaeology - Theories, Methods, and Practice (7th Ed) 9780500292105  Eufemio E
34123 ART A105 1D1 Beginning Drawing Instructor Supply List A105 NA Stenberg D
34125 ART A160 1D1 *Art Appreciation Gateways to Art: Understanding the Visual Arts (4 Ed.) 9780500845073 Stenberg D
34126 ART A205 1D1 Intermediate Drawing Instructor Supply List A205 NA Stenberg D
34132 BA A241 1D1 Business Law I Business Law (10 Ed.) 9780134728780 Kelly M
34133 BA A241 1D2 Business Law I Business Law (10 Ed.) 9780134728780 Kelly M
34574 BIOL A102 1D1 *Introductory Biology OER/Zero Cost Text NA Riley H
34137 BIOL A111 1D1 *Human Anatomy & Physiology I Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, 10th Edition w/Connect 9781266041846 Buie S
34575 BIOL A111 1D2 *Human Anatomy & Physiology I Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, 10th Edition w/Connect 9781266041846 Hulse J
34138 BIOL A111L 1D1 *Human Anat and Physiol I Lab Workbook For Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Version 4.0 9781264240487 Buie S
35124 BIOL A111L 1D2 *Human Anat and Physiol I Lab Workbook For Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Version 4.0 9781264240487 Hulse J
34139 BIOL A112 1D1 *Human Anatomy & Physiology II Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, 10th Edition w/Connect 9781266041846 Buie S
34140 BIOL A112 1D2 *Human Anatomy & Physiology II Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, 10th Edition w/Connect 9781266041846 Buie S
34141 BIOL A112L 1D1 *Human Anat and Physiol II Lab Workbook For Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Version 4.0 9781264240487 Buie S
34142 BIOL A112L 1D2 *Human Anat and Physiol II Lab Workbook For Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Version 4.0 9781264240487 Buie S
35040 BIOL A240 1D1 Intro Micro for Health Science Microbiology  An Introduction 12ed (any edition is acceptable) 9780321929150 Trussell C
35041 BIOL A240L D11 Intro Micro for Health Sci Lab Materials will be provided NA Trussell C
34151 CHEM A103L 1D1 *Intro to Gen Chem Lab Materials will be provided NA Trussell C
34153 CHEM A104L 1D1 *Intro to Organic/Biochem Lab Materials will be provided NA Trussell C
34576 COMM A111 1D1 *Fund Oral Communication OER/Zero Cost Text NA Colton-Jones J
34577 COMM A111 1D2 *Fund Oral Communication OER/Zero Cost Text NA Colton-Jones J
34598 COMM A111 1D3 *Fund Oral Communication OER/Zero Cost Text NA Colton-Jones J
34579 COMM A237 1F1 *Interpersonal Communication OER/Zero Cost Text NA Keys J
34579 COMM A237 1F1 *Interpersonal Communication OER/Zero Cost Text NA Keys J
34600 COMM A241 1D1 *Public Speaking OER/Zero Cost Text NA Colton-Jones J
35039 DN A203 1D1 Nutrition for Health Sciences Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition (12th or 11th ed.) 9780357368107  OR 9781337098069 Trussell C
35042 EDEC A105 1D1 *Intro to Early Childhood Ed Learning Theories for Early Years: 2nd Edition. Sean MacBlain, 2022 9781529757064 Skaw A
34160 EDEC A107 1D1 Child Development and Learning Early Childhood Development  A Multicultural Perspective, Loose-Leaf Version OR ebook (7 Ed.) 9780135166123 OR 9780134522951 Oliver A
35062 EDEC A190 DY1 ST* RuRAL CAP SEL OER/Zero Cost Text NA Deal K
35037 EDEC A206 1D1 Interdisciplinary Curriculum OER/Zero Cost Text NA Skaw A
35038 EDEC A241 1D1 Infant & Toddler Development Infant and Toddler Development from Conception to Age 3 : What Babies Ask of Us 9780807761083 Skaw A
35839 EDEC A292 1D1 Early Childhood Seminar The Intentional Teacher: Choosing the Best Strategies for Young Children's Learning 9781938113062
Skaw A
35839 EDEC A292 1D1 Early Childhood Seminar Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator: Using the NAEYC Code, Third Edition 9781938113338 Skaw A
34582 ENGL A120 1D1 Reasoning, Thinking, and Disc. Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, 12th Edition  9780134431994 OR 9780137501731 Sheridan T
34582 ENGL A120 1D1 Reasoning, Thinking, and Disc. The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises (4e, with MLA update 4e, or 5e) 9780393877946 OR 9780393888966 OR 9781324060130 Sheridan T
34177 HS A326 1D1 Introduction to Epidemiology Gordis Epidemiology 6th Edition 9780275972165 Stenberg W
34602 JUST A251 1F1 *Theories of Crime and Offend Criminological Theory: Past to Present 9780197619315 Gambling K
34181 MA A101 1D1 Medical Terminology MindTap Medical Terminology for Ehrlich/Schroeder/Ehrlich/Schroeder's Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 8th Edition, [Instant Access] (8 Ed.) 9781337107006 Trussell C
34186 MATH A054 1F1 Prealgebra Pre-Algebra (1 Ed.) (see instructor for textbook) 9780538613750 Mickelson J
34187 MATH A055 1F1 Elementary Algebra Beginning Algebra (9 Ed.) (see instructor for textbook) 9780321127129 Hulse J
34188 MATH A105 1F1 Intermediate Algebra Intermediate Algebra (9th Ed.) (see instructor for textbook) 9780321127136 Mickelson J
34189 MATH A151 1F1 *College Algebra for Calculus College Algebra for Calculus College Algebra (9 Ed.) (see instructor for textbook) 9780321227577  Mickelson J
34190 MATH A152 1F1 *Trigonometry Trigonometry (6ed.) (see instructor for textbook) 9780673995537 Mickelson J
34191 MT A102 D11 Intro to Maritime Trades All Materials will be Provided NA Gonzalez R
34192 MT A110 D11 Marine Boathandling & Safety All Materials will be Provided NA Gonzalez R
34192 MT A110 D11 Marine Boathandling & Safety All Materials will be Provided NA Gonzalez R
34193 MT A112 D11 Internal Combustion Eng Theory All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34193 MT A112 D11 Internal Combustion Eng Theory All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34193 MT A112 D11 Internal Combustion Eng Theory All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34194 MT A113 D11 Outboard Engines All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34194 MT A113 D11 Outboard Engines All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34194 MT A113 D11 Outboard Engines All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34195 MT A114 D11 Gas Inboard Maint & Trblshoot All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34195 MT A114 D11 Gas Inboard Maint & Trblshoot All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34196 MT A119 D11 Marine Electrical All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34197 MT A120 D11 Marine Electronics All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34198 MT A121 D11 Marine Plumbing All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34198 MT A121 D11 Marine Plumbing All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34199 MT A130 D11 Marine Drive Systems All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34200 MT A140 D11 Marine Boat Trailers All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34201 MT A150 D11 Marine Materials All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34201 MT A150 D11 Marine Materials All Materials will be Provided NA Staff U
34207 PSY A111 1D1 *Introduction to Psychology OER/Zero Cost Text NA Korrow K
34208 PSY A115 1D1 Memory: How it Works Memory (3 Ed.)  9781138326095  Korrow K
34209 TECH A295 D11 Technical Internship All Materials will be Provided NA Stewart L
34210 UNIV A190 1D1 Alutiiq Lang Learning Success All Materials will be Provided NA Azuyak P
34213 WELD A101 D11 Introduction to Welding All Materials will be Provided NA Selkirk Jr J
34605 WELD A114 D11 Weld/High Strength Steel All Materials will be Provided NA Adams P
34219 WRTG A110 1D1 Intro to College Writing Wide Awake  Thinking, Reading, and Writing Critically (1 Ed.) 9780205724406 Griffin J
34219 WRTG A110 1D1 Intro to College Writing The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises (4e, with MLA update 4e, or 5e) 9780393877946 OR 9780393888966 OR 9781324060130 Griffin J
34222 WRTG A111 1D1 *Writing Across Contexts The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises (4e, with MLA update 4e, or 5e) 9780393877946 OR 9780393888966 OR 9781324060130 Sheridan T
34222 WRTG A111 1D1 *Writing Across Contexts The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings (5th Ed) 9780393655780  Sheridan T
34224 WRTG A111 1D2 *Writing Across Contexts The Origins of Our Discontents 9780593230251  Griffin J
34224 WRTG A111 1D2 *Writing Across Contexts The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises (4e, with MLA update 4e, or 5e) 9780393877946 OR 9780393888966 OR 9781324060130 Griffin J
34601 WRTG A111 1D3 *Writing Across Contexts Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents 9780593230251  Nielsen K
34601 WRTG A111 1D3 *Writing Across Contexts The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises (4e, with MLA update 4e, or 5e) 9780393877946 OR 9780393888966 OR 9781324060130 Nielsen K
34223 WRTG A111 D11 *Writing Across Contexts Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents 9780593230251  Griffin J
34223 WRTG A111 D11 *Writing Across Contexts The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises (4e, with MLA update 4e, or 5e) 9780393877946 OR 9780393888966 OR 9781324060130 Griffin J
34226 WRTG A213 1D1 *Writing & the Sciences All Materials will be Provided NA Griffin J