VA Assistance

Welcome to Kodiak College, UAA and thank you for your service!

The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. You can access a personalized data sheet by visiting the Net Price Calculator for the University of Alaska Anchorage. Information on how much it costs to attend Kodiak College can be found at our cost estimate page . Additional financial information can be found at the NCES College Navigator site. Information on the rates that the VA pays for each educational program can be found at the VA Rate Tables site. 

Kodiak College, as part of the University of Alaska Anchorage, adheres to the Principles of Excellence as indicated on our institutional profile. Veterans and military students may contact VA point of contact, Nancy Castro for assistance.


The following steps must be completed the first semester you begin using your VA education benefits at Kodiak College:

  1. Apply for your benefits through the VA and confirm your eligibility.
  2. Apply for admission to a Kodiak College degree or certificate program.
  3. Meet with your program advisor to ensure course applicability to your program and have your semester course selections documented by your advisor in a DegreeWorks plan. NO DEGREE PLAN, NO CERTIFICATION.
  4. Register for classes on UAOnlineView the Priority Registration dates.
  5. Submit your Request to Begin Using Benefits (request certification) by completing step 5 of the process.
  6. If you make a change after registering you must submit a Report of Change form.
  7. Submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the VA. You can be certified without this document. However, it will remain a requirement until received. (Exceptions apply to Chapter 35 beneficiaries). Please note for Chapter 33 beneficiaries: financial aid disbursements may be effected without a COE on file.
  8. Check your preferred and UAA email addresses frequently. Confirmation of certifications, issues with course applicability, and other important, time sensitive information will be sent to your preferred and UAA email addresses only.


The following steps must be completed each semester that you wish to use your VA education benefits:

  1. Meet with your program advisor to ensure course applicability to your program and have your semester course selections documented by your advisor in a DegreeWorks plan. NO DEGREE PLAN, NO CERTIFICATION.
  2. Register for classes using UAOnline.
  3. Submit your Request for Certification (request certification) by completing step 2 of the process. 
  4. If you make a change after registering you must submit a Report of Change form.
  5. Submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the VA. You can be certified without this document. However, it will remain a requirement until received. (Exceptions apply to Chapter 35 beneficiaries). Please note for Chapter 33 beneficiaries: financial aid disbursements may be effected without a COE on file.
  6. Check your preferred and UAA email addresses frequently. Confirmation of certifications, issues with course applicability, and other important, time sensitive information will be sent to your preferred and UAA email addresses only.


Start early with VA and avoid late fees

02/12/2024: Priority deadline for Summer 2024 certification requests
5/1/2024: Priority deadline for Fall 2024 certification requests
10/1/2024: Priority deadline for Spring 2025 certification requests

To avoid late fees VA students who register for classes covered by the VA Education Benefits have to request certification starting by the priority registration date and no later when classes begin (view calendar) to avoid delays in the process due to high volumes of requests from all UAA VA students.  Students taking other courses not covered by the VA are required to make payment by the payment deadline to avoid a late fee.


  Request for Certification

Submit the UAA form after you have met with your advisor, registered for classes and created a plan in DegreeWorks that includes your selected courses.  This form must be submitted every semester that you wish to have your classes certified with the VA.

  Report of Change

Submit the UAA form if you change your major or make a change to your registration after you have submitted your initial Request for Certification. Course changes must be reflected in your DegreeWorks plan (you must first see your advisor to update your plan).


We recommend all students—including veterans—fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine if they qualify for additional funds for school (School Code: 011462).

FAFSA: What You Need

  • Social Security and driver license numbers
  • Tax records for you, your spouse, or parent (if applicable)
  • Documentation of your VA benefits and any workers compensation or child support received
  • VA disability pay and non-educational VA benefits (as untaxed income)
  • Combat pay (if it was taxable and part of your adjusted gross income on your last tax return)

Military Scholarships

Opportunities for Veterans at Kodiak College students. You may be eligible for local, state, and  scholarships as well as  veteran-specific scholarships offered by organizations. 

Military Tuition Assistance

All Military Tuition Assistance matters are handled by the Kodiak College Business Office. Contact Villaflor Krupp at or (907) 486-1217

Making the decision to pursue a degree is a big step, and in choosing where to enroll, there are many factors to consider.

The following resources are available to assist with comparing cost, financial assistance, and outcomes.

The staff of UAA Office of Student Financial Assistance are ready to assist students and their families. If you have any questions about financial aid at University of Alaska Anchorage, please contact us so that we can provide answers to your questions. 

Planning Information

The College Scorecard
Created and hosted by the U.S. Department of Education, The College Scorecard provides information designed to let prospective students compare information on cost, retention rates, and other critical data.

UAA Net Price Calculator
The UAA Net Price Calculator provides applicants with an estimate of the average cost and financial aid, based on information that they provide. The Net Price Calculator is provided for Undergraduate programs only at this time.

Cost of Attendance
Cost of Attendance information is based on average cost for tuition and fees, books and supplies, housing and food, transportation, and personal expenses. The data is meant to be an estimate only, as each student's expenses will depend on many variables, including living arrangements.

Students whose actual expenses exceed their estimates can submit a Cost of Attendance/Budget Adjustment Form

The Shopping Sheet
Once an accepted or continuing student completes the FAFSA, UAA will notify the student of the aid he/she is eligible for. Along with the online award offer (available through UAOnline), an online Shopping Sheet is provided as a way to provide clear, concise information on cost, financial aid, retention, graduation, and average debt information per career. Designed by the U.S. Department of Education, it provides award information in a standard format to allow students to easily compare cost and aid offers for schools they are considering. The Shopping Sheet is available to students who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and have applied to UAA.


Disclosure Contact Person or Office Email 
Availability of federal financial aid Financial Aid Office
Readmitted policy for military service Office of the Registrar
Absence policy for military service Office of the Registrar
Graduation requirements & timelines Office of the Registrar
Accreditation policy & information Office of the Provost
Academic counseling availability Office of Counseling and Advising
Financial counseling availability Financial Aid Office
Disability counseling availability

 Student Services

Course completion counseling availability Office of Counseling and Advising
Costs above VA education benefits Veteran Services
Student loan debt Financial Aid Office
Graduation rates Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research              
Job placement rates Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research
Transfer credit policy (traditional credits) Office of the Registrar
Transfer credit policy (military credits) Office of the Registrar
License & certification requirements Office of the Registrar or your academic advisor
Cost of Attendance Financial Aid Office
Net Price Calculator Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Shopping Sheet Financial Aid Office

Overpayment of VA Benefits

Veterans, members of the Armed Forces and family members who incur debts as a result of their participation in most VA compensation, pension and education programs receive letters from the Debt Management Center notifying them of their rights as well as their obligation to reimburse VA.

Repayment Situations

You may need to repay your benefits under the following conditions (this is not a complete list, but these are the more common occurrences)

  • Drop/withdrawal below the required credit load;
  • Benefits received for courses not applicable to your current program;
  • Grade received for which no credit is earned, such as "F", "I", "NP";
  • Failure to notify the UAA VA Certifying Official in a timely manner, when you drop/withdraw/stop attending courses reported to the VA

Mitigating Circumstances

Circumstances beyond your control can prevent you from continuing classes. You must report these circumstances with proof directly to the VA for review

  • Prolonged, documented illness or injury
  • Death in your immediate family
  • Unavoidable change in employment.

If you receive a debt letter from the VA:

  1. Call the VA immediately at 1 (888)442-4551
  2. Contact the Kodiak College Business Office

If your VA debt is assigned to Kodiak College, the following actions may be taken:

  • Academic holds prohibiting registration to be applied to student account.
  • Add interest charges and collection fees
  • Withhold future benefits to be applied to debt
  • Debt turned over for collection
  • Federal lawsuit for collection of debt
  • Withhold approval of VA home loan guarantee
  • Garnish federal income tax return

VA Point of Contact

Nancy Castro
907.486.1214 Phone
907.486.1264 Fax 

UAA School Certifying Official


Education Line: 1-888-442-4551
Monthly Verification of Attendance: 1-877-823-2378
Direct Deposit: 1-888-442-4551
Other VA Benefits: 1-800-827-1000


  1. The VA granted UAA-Anchorage the permission to centralize VA certifications for UAA-Kodiak College campus. Kodiak College classes certification requests will follow the UAA Military and Veteran Student Services processes" or short version " Effective immediately: All Kodiak College classes will follow UAA-Anchorage campus process for students using VA Education Benefits.
  2. Chapter 33 (Post 9/11): VA’s New Monthly Verification of Enrollment Policy