How to Register
Registration at Kodiak College is accomplished through a very similar process to registering at the University of Alaska Anchorage
To be eligible to register a student must:
- Be admitted to the university as a certificate-seeking, degree-seeking, or non-degree-seeking student.
- Degree seeking, living in campus housing and/or national/international exchange students are required to complete Title IX: Sexual Assault Prevention training annually. Training cycles run July 1 – June 30. Learn more about Compliance and Title IX at UAA.
- Some classes require certain placement exams or other prerequisites in order to register. See specific class restrictions in UAOnline.
- Academic AdvisingThe goal of academic advising is to assist students in developing educational plans consistent with career and life goals and to provide students with the information and skills needed to pursue those goals. For a list of advising contacts and for more information, visit the Advising page. Advisors may also be indicated in DegreeWorks which is available through UAOnline.
- Class ScheduleCurrent class schedules are available on UAOnline. This schedule is the most up to date and complete class information available.
- Planning a Schedule
Student can take advantage of Schedule Planner - an online tool similar to a shopping cart where students may add classes to their cart, block out non-class times and select available schedules. Schedule Planner is available the day the semester schedule goes live.
- Plan Semester ExpensesSee detailed information about tuition and fees for each semester. Apply for Financial Aid.
- High School Students Taking College Courses
To apply, new non-degree seeking students should:
- Go to UAOnline and select "Non-Degree-Seeking Student" under Future Students
- Select "Enter" under UAA
- Select the red "New Student" link under Section 2 or the blue "First Time User Account Creation" link located near the bottom of the page to create login ID and password.
- Choose a campus
- Choose your student type. Select "Secondary School" if in high school.
- Select the admission term and fill out the application. Each section must have a check mark before submission. For additional time to complete the application, select Finish Later and return another time. Incomplete applications will be deleted after three days.
Please allow 1-2 business days for applications to be processed. Next, search for UA credentials (UA ID number and username) and set a password at the UA Easy Login Maintenance Option (ELMO) site using option 3.
Before registering for classes, secondary students must submit a Secondary Student Registration Form. UA ID number is required on this form. Submit the completed form to or in person at Student Services
For additional information, please see the Secondary Student Enrollment Policy or contact Student Services.
How to Register
Priority Registration
For fall and spring semesters, UAA follows a staggered priority registration schedule based on student class standing. Class standing is determined by total completed and in-progress UAA credits. In-progress credit is credit for which a student is enrolled during the current semester. For example, UAA in-progress fall credits would count toward UAA priority registration for the following spring semester.
UAS or UAF credits count toward UAA priority registration only if they are transferred to UAA.
To check class standing, log in to UAOnline, go to the Students Services and Account Information tab and click on the "Check Your Registration Eligibility" link in the Registration menu.
Registration opens online at 12:00 a.m. on the priority registration day for each student type.
Online Registration
All online registration is completed through UAOnline. The UAOnline site is used to
access student records, registration activity and other account information. New users
of university online resources can claim their credentials at All
current and former students of the University of Alaska system have a UAOnline account.
Registration remains open 24/7 until the close of registration. Telephone assistance is available during regular business hours at (907) 486-1266
Step-by Step Registration
- Step by Step Instructions
- Go to UAOnline and click the "Log In" link.
- Enter UA username and password (the same credentials for Blackboard or UAA e-mail).
Students who are already using university online resources (e.g., e-mail and Blackboard)
do not need to reactivate their account.
- New users of online university resources can claim their credentials at
- For assistance contact UAA IT Technical Support at 907-786-4646 or toll-free at 1-877-633-3888.
- Once in the secured area, select the "Student" tab, then click on "Registration."
- In the Registration menu, select "Schedule Planner and Registration."
- If prompted, select Term. Save and Continue.
- Select Campus. Save and Continue.
- Select Course Status (Open Classes Only, Open & Full w/Waitlist Open, Open & Full). Save.
- Select Delivery Methods (Online, In Person, etc.) Save.
- Click "+ Add Course."
You have several ways to find the right class: Search By Subject, Search By Section Attribute (e.g., General Education categories), Search By CRN, Search By Instructor. - Click "+ Add Course Number" to add to schedule.
- Once all courses are added, click "Go Back to Generate Schedules."
- Select "Generate Schedules."
- Hover over the magnifying glass to get a glance at the schedule.
- Click "View" to see details.
- Once you find the schedule you like, select the "Send to Shopping Cart" button at the top of the page.
- Click “Register” at the top of the page to add classes.
- Follow the prompts until you see a Registration results pop-up confirming you have been successfully registered for classes. Click "OK" to confirm.
- Common Registration Errors
- Closed section: Registration is closed because the class is full. If the class has wait-list seats available, it is possible to get on the wait-list. See the wait-list instructions below.
- Corequisite required: Register for both corequisite classes at the same time. Go to the Register/Add/Drop page, enter the CRNs for both of the required courses and hit "Complete Registration Changes."
- Department approval: Registration is limited to students who have departmental approval. Contact the department to request an override.
- Duplicate CRN: Already registered for another section of the course. In most cases, simultaneous registration in two or more sections of the same course is not allowed. If the course is approved for multiple registrations, contact the department to request an override.
- Instructor approval: Registration is restricted to students who have instructor approval. Contact the instructor to request an override.
- Level restriction: Registration is restricted to students in a particular level (for example, graduate). Click on the CRN to see level restriction information.
- Maximum hours exceeded: Registration in the class will exceed the maximum number of credits allowed for the semester.
- Prerequisite not met: Registration is limited to students who have met prerequisite and/or test score restrictions. Check the CRN to see prerequisite and test score information. Contact the department with questions.
- Registration changes not allowed: The registration period for the class has not yet opened or has passed.
- Registration hold: Registration holds block registration until the hold is removed by the initiating office. Registration holds may result from:
- Unpaid tuition and fees and/or outstanding balances on the student account (e.g., fines, course fees) contact Villaflor Krupp at (907) 486-1217
- UAA is part of a statewide system. Therefore, a hold at one University of Alaska campus will affect registration at all UA campuses.
Changing Registration
After finalizing registration, changes may be made during certain periods. Consult Registration Dates and Deadlines for specific periods.
- Audit-to-Credit or Credit-to-Audit
- Drop
- Variable Credit Classes
- Withdraw
Audit-to-Credit or Credit-to-Audit
Students who audit courses are required to meet the course prerequisites/restrictions,
register by the deadlines, and pay the same tuition as those who take the course for
credit. No credit is received for audited courses. Audit registrations are on a space-available
basis. Auditors may be dropped from a class to make room for credit-seeking students.
Requirements for auditing the course are determined by faculty. Faculty may withdraw
auditors if they fail to comply with the agreed-upon terms.
Audited courses are not included in the computation of study load for full-time or part-time status. In addition, students may not request local credit-by-examination for an audited course until the following academic year.
Students who want to audit a course can choose that grade mode option in the UAOnline Register/Add/Drop page when registering for a course or they may fill out the bottom section on the Add/Drop Form before the credit-to-audit deadline. Check Registration Dates and Deadlines for more information.
Before the semester add/drop deadline, students can drop classes
- via UAOnline
- by submitting an Add/Drop form
- using the online Student-Initiated Drop Form
Full-Semester Classes
A 100% refund of tuition and fees is automatically processed when official drop activity is completed before the add/drop deadline. No refund is issued after the deadline.
Classes with Irregular Dates
Students may drop classes with irregular dates during the 100% refund period, which ends at 5pm five business days after the published class start day. No refund is issued after this period.
Variable Credit Classes
Variable credit courses may be taken for a variable number of credits with prior approval from the faculty member. Common examples include thesis, practicum, project, and research courses. Workload and tuition depend on the number of credits selected.
Students can adjust the number of credits selected for a registered course in UAOnline up until the add/drop deadline by selecting Change Class Options and entering the desired number of credits in the credit hours field. After that deadline, students must submit a paper add/drop form signed by the instructor to the Office of the Registrar and should do so before the end of the semester.
After the add/drop deadline, students may withdraw from classes up until the semester withdrawal deadline as long as no grade has been assigned for the class.
Students may withdraw from full-semester classes using the drop procedures listed above. After the semester add/drop deadline, dropping or withdrawing from classes with irregular dates is not allowed via UAOnline. Students may submit an Add/Drop Form or use the online Student-Initiated Drop Form. Courses that have been graded are not eligible for withdrawal.
Withdrawing from any class will produce a designation of W for that class on the student's transcript. This designation does not carry grade points and is not used in calculation of GPAs. Students are responsible for all fees and tuition if they choose to withdraw from any course, and financial aid could be affected.
The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available online. The report contains information regarding campus safety and security including topics such as: campus law enforcement authority; crime reporting policies; campus alerts (Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications); fire safety policies and procedures; programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking; the procedures the University will follow when one of these crimes is reported; and other matters of importance related to security on campus. The report also contains information about crime statistics for the three most recent calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in On-Campus Student Housing Facilities; in Noncampus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University or a recognized student organization; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also contains fire statistics for any fires occurring in an On-Campus Student Housing Facility during the three most recent calendar years. If you would like to receive a paper copy of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, you can stop by the UAA Police Department Office at Room 114 of Eugene Short Hall on the Anchorage campus or request a copy be mailed to you by calling 907-786-1120 or emailing You may also stop by the UAA Dean of Students Office in Room 122 of Rasmuson Hall on the Anchorage campus or request a copy be mailed to you by calling 907-786-1214 or emailing