Compass Career Pathways

Compass Career Pathways

Launch and Overview of the Program

Compass Career Pathways began in response to developing the first Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) in Alaska. As the design and implementation planning progressed within the Kodiak College faculty for apprenticeships, it became obvious that this program would be an ideal fit for any individual seeking an innovative approach to completing their degree. The program focuses on best practices in education, such as purposefully pairing courses that have complementary content, and helping students to make connections across higher education disciplines.

Delivery Model 

  • The Compass Career Pathways program offers two short, complementary 8-week courses twice a semester, so finding a balance between work, family, friends, and college is manageable.
  • Students make consistent progress toward their degree because they are still following full-time, 12 credit schedules.  
  • Not all courses are well-suited to an intensive format for specific learners, so students are welcome to “mix and match” between 8-week and traditional 16-week classes to met their personal needs and schedules.  

two people walking


  • While shorter classes are more intensive, students’ focus is less divided, and research has shown that students tend to be more successful in shorter college courses. 
  • A purposeful pairing of courses offered during the same 8-weeks allows content to be reinforced in both courses with complementary overlap in some materials and assignments.
  • Additionally, some courses will provide ways for students to demonstrate current competencies (written or oral examinations) allowing for progressing more quickly. 

The Proposed Schedule 

Courses Taken in the First Eight Weeks 
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Fall 2024, 1st 8-weeks COMM A241: Public Speaking


Fall 2024, 1st 8-weeks EDEC A105: Introduction to the Field of Early Childhood Education Social Sciences GER
Courses Taken in the Second Eight Weeks
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Fall 2024, 2nd 8-weeks ANTH A200: Alaska Native Cultures Diversity & Inclusion GER,  Alaska Native-Themed GER,  Social Sciences GER
Fall 2024, 2nd 8-weeks ART A160: Art Appreciation Diversity & Inclusion GER,  Fine Arts GER.
Courses Taken in the First Eight Weeks 
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Spring 2025, 1st 8-weeks WRTG A111: Writing Across Contexts

 Written Communication GER

Spring 2025, 1st 8-weeks PSY A111: Introduction to Psychology Social Sciences GER
Courses Taken in the Second Eight Weeks
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Spring 2025, 2nd 8-weeks BIOL A102: Introductory Biology Natural Sciences GER
Spring 2025, 2nd 8-weeks BIOL A103L: Introductory Biology* Natural Sciences GER

Depending on placement with ALEKS

Semester Options
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Spring 2025, 16-weeks  MATH A055: Elementary Algebra

Developmental Math

Spring 2025, 16-weeks  MATH A105: Intermediate Algebra Developmental Math
Courses Taken in the First Eight Weeks 
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Fall 2025, 1st 8-weeks  WRTG A212: Writing in the Professions

 Written Communication GER

Fall 2025, 16-weeks STAT A200 Elementary Statistics Quantitative Skills GER

Note that in this semester students will take a total of three classes. Statistics is 16 weeks.

Courses Taken in the Second Eight Weeks
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Fall 2025, 2nd 8-weeks  AKNS A201: Alaska Native Perspectives

Diversity & Inclusion GER, Humanities GER,  Alaska Native-Themed GER

DEED Teacher Alaska Studies Requirement

Fall 2025, 16-weeks STAT A200 Elementary Statistics Quantitative Skills GER
Courses Taken in the First Eight Weeks 
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Spring 2026, 1st 8-weeks HIST A 131: History of the US I

Diversity & Inclusion GER, Humanities GER

Spring 2026, 1st 8-weeks  MATH A211: Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I Elementary and Special Education
Courses Taken in the Second Eight Weeks
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Spring 2026, 2nd 8-weeks GEOL A111: Planet Earth Natural Sciences GER
Spring 2026, 2nd 8-weeks PSY A150: Lifespan Development Social Sciences GER
Courses Taken in the First Eight Weeks
Semester Course  Course Attributes
Fall 2026, 1st 8-weeks MATH A211: Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I Education Major
Fall 2026, 1st 8-weeks EDFN A300 Philosophical and Social Context of American Education 

ED Capstone GER, DEED Teacher Multicultural Requirement
