Quick Schedules
Class Schedules on UAOnline
Quick Schedules are updated weekly. To find the most current information, course descriptions, and costs, visit UAOnline. Please contact us at 907-486-1235 or email studentservices@kodiak.alaska.edu with questions. If you have applied or are admitted to a degree or certificate program, consult DegreeWorks and/or meet with your advisor to choose your classes.
Please check UAOnline and follow the process below for updates:
Quick Schedules may not reflect the most current version.
- Choose Class Schedule
- Select the term you wish to view
- Select UAA- Kodiak Campus
- Select All Subjects (or select on desired subjects in the course list)
- Select Class Search button at the bottom of the screen. NOTE: For cost, enrollment, and additional information about each course, click on the CRN (course registration number).
Quick Schedules
Important Dates
Important dates for current and upcoming class offerings are available on the Academic Dates and Deadlines Calendar.