Scholarship Help Sessions
Kodiak College is hosting scholarship help sessions for high school and college students on the first Thursday of every month starting October 6.
Coming Out Stories Event, 10/11
Kodiak College will host a Coming Out Stories event in honor of National Coming Out Day from 6:30-8:30 on Tuesday, October 11 in Benny Benson Room 130
Cama'i Club Wellness Wednesdays
The Cama'i Club invites everyone to Wellness Wednesdays, a monthly event featuring different activities to help you slow down and relax.
Blueberry Jam Session Tuesday 9/20
Join the Cama'i Club and make your own blueberry jam to take home. 6pm, Campus Center lobby, materials provided
Blueberry Picking on Campus 9/14
The Cama'i club and KANA prevention are sponsoring a blueberry picking event on Wednesday, September 14.
Student BBQ September 13
Kodiak College will host a student BBQ Tuesday, September 13 from 4-7 pm
Join Our Team
Kodiak College is looking for part-time tutors in The Learning Center who can assist students with writing, math, and/or health science, in person or online
Late Starting 10 Week Classes
Want to take a class that starts after Labor Day and finishes before Thanksgiving?
New Student Orientation Fall 2022: 8/24, 6pm
New Student Orientation will be held at 6:00-8:00 PM Wednesday, August 24.
Statistics Class with Free Supplemental Instruction
Take Elementary Statistics - STAT A200 with Jesse Mickelson at Kodiak College this semester with free additional academic support.