Focus Group and Survey Results

Focus Group and Survey Results 

Faculty, Staff, and Advisory Council Members agreed to use the same questions that were asked 11 years ago.   As this was a COVID year, all focus groups were via Zoom.  To catch as much participation as possible, an online survey was sent after the final Zoom focus group.  The same questions were asked in the online survey as were asked in the Zoom focus groups.  Participant information was kept to ensure the same people did not have an opportunity to participate in both the online survey and Zoom focus group.  

  • Theme 1:
    Kodiak College provides local postsecondary education and workforce development training.
  • Theme 2:
    Kodiak College is a welcoming, friendly, open campus that is connected to all the communities of Kodiak Island Archipelago.
  • Theme 3:
    Kodiak College is responsive and provides opportunities, local and beyond, for many types of educational and vocational training; from ESL, GED, and community education; industry licensing exams, certificates and degrees that fulfill the workforce needs of Kodiak.
  • Theme 4:
    Kodiak College is student-centered and provides individual support for students. 
  • Theme 1:
    Lack of financial support
  • Theme 2: 
    Community partnerships
  • Theme 3: 
    Small/limited offerings
  • Theme 4:
    Better marketing, recruitment, and communication
  • Theme 1: 
    Preparatory track for pre-professional ready/CNA/Education/other students
  • Theme 2:
    Marketing our classes, workshops, internships in some classes, opportunities, hybrid and distance education that already exist to a variety of populations. Collaborations to develop partnerships health, tourism, wildlife, fisheries, ecology, human services
  • Theme 3:
    Investigate AAS/AA/OEC that might fit Kodiak opportunities - tourism, wildlife, fisheries, ecology, human services, outdoor recreation, botany
  • Theme 4: 
    Outreach and a strategy which is focused and consistent to various sectors of the island community. Scheduled, organized and targeted featuring students, faculty and staff, villages, students, USCG, future students and other specific populations ELL, etc.
  • Theme 5: 
    Open to the community...a good space and centrally located 
  • Theme 1:
    Strengthen community connections and create more visibility of the college and what it offers. 
  • Theme 2:
    Connect to UA degree programs more explicitly while also building relationships with local communities and organizations. 
  • Theme 3: 
    Seek connections with community partnerships where they have resources and we have the personnel/facilities/technology/etc. to fulfill mutual goals.
  • Theme 1:
    Funding and finance issues 
    (e.g. cost of attendance & scholarships for students; competitive pay for faculty and staff; overall resources)
  • Theme 2:
    Marketing & Outreach
  • Theme 3:
    Community Engagement
    (e.g. ensuring KoC has strong, strategic, and intact relationships and connections with key stakeholders)
  • Theme 4:
    Changes in Kodiak & Alaska 
    (e.g. population declines; industry changes; priority of higher education & workforce training)
  • Theme 5:
    Post-COVID Transitions 
    (e.g. balancing online learning with in-person; promoting and marketing KoC’s small class sizes and student-centered education)
  • Theme 1:
    We are seen as a valuable asset in our community.  
  • Theme 2: 
    Director and faculty need to be more present in the community. 
  • Theme 3:
    Sustainability and Expansion (find enrollment and fiscal sustainability and expand presence/course offerings/degree offerings).