Library Policies
The Carolyn Floyd Library is an academic library with the primary goal of supporting Kodiak College students, faculty and staff. While the public is welcome to use the library and some of its resources it is not a public library. The library polices are designed to make the library a welcoming, pleasant, and productive resource for all patrons.
To check out materials all patrons must have a library card. For UA students, your Student ID Number serves as your library card.
- Books circulate for 1 month
- DVD's circulate for 7 days
- Reserve shelf items and reference items do not leave the library
- Students may check out up to 50 books and DVD's at a time
- Public patrons may check out up to four DVD's and 5 books at a time
- Kodiak College Library does not charge overdue fines for books or DVD's
- Borrowing privileges will be blocked for materials overdue for a month or more
- Fees will be assessed for damaged materials up to the cost of replacing the item
- Patrons will be billed for the replacement cost of lost items (over 1 month overdue) plus a $5.00 processing fee
- Non payment of fees can result in a hold being placed on a student account, this will prevent you from getting grades, but you may still register for classes
Technology Loans:
Kodiak College Library loans laptops, chromebooks, and webcams to students only. Many of these resources are expensive and also expensive to repair; keep this in mind when you choose to check out technology materials. The replacement cost of a laptop can be up to $1400.00. A screen repair or replacement can cost up to $500.00. The student will be charged these fees if they damage or lose an item. Unpaid fees over $400.00 will result in a hold on your student account that will prohibit you from registering for classes.
The timely return of technology items is important because they are in short supply and other students should have the opportunity to check them out. Students that do not return items in a timely manner will have their technology checkout privileges revoked.
- Technology checkouts are usually for a semester, though can be shorter
- Fees will be assessed for damaged materials up to the cost of replacing the item which can be up to $1400.00.
- Failure to return materials in a timely manner will result the loss of technology checkout privileges in the future
Library patrons are expected to:
- Treat others with courtesy and respect
- Cooperate with library employees
- Respond to emergency and security gate alarms and other situations as directed by library employees
- Leave the library at closing
Library patrons may not:
- Monopolize computers, space, or resources
- Use computers for inappropriate purposes, including viewing of pornography
- Use personal belongings to save a place at the computer stations: Personal belongings left unattended may be moved to the lost and found at the main Circulation Desk. Library employees may refer unattended items of potential concern to campus police.
- Be disruptive
- Sleep while at the library. If you appear unconscious, we will conduct a safety check
- Engage in behavior that is potentially unsafe or harmful
- Engage in sexual activities, including sexual harassment and indecent exposure
- Exhibit any threatening or intimidating behaviors, e.g. abusive language, threats of violence or harassment.
- Leave children under the age of 13 unattended
- Be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs and/or other intoxicants
- Disturb others with strong odors (i.e. strong perfumes or poor personal hygiene)
- Deny access to materials through theft or deliberate misplacement
- Damage library materials, equipment, or furniture
- Post or distribute materials without permission
- Engage in any illegal acts or conduct in violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, or regulation
Patrons who choose not to abide by these expectations may be asked to present identification, subjected to a search of backpacks of bags, directed to leave the library for the day, and/or trespassed from the library or campus. Disciplinary or legal action may also be taken in accordance with applicable laws and policies.
The Kodiak College Library's computers are intended for research and educational purposes. Kodiak College student have priority access to all the computers in the library. There are two computer stations that are available for public use, there is on hour limit per day on these stations.
- Monopolizing the computers or preventing others from using them is not allowed.
- Displaying pornography and other pages found to be harassing, disruptive, or offensive to others is not allowed.
- All computer use is subject to UAA’s technology policies. , UAA's Fair Use Policy, and UAA's Acceptable Use Policy.