Kodiak City Emergency Bulletin #4

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call for driving piling in Gibson Cove to establish a small boat harbor facility there. Capt. J_D. Fulp said the Navy had no objections. They figure they may need 2 or 3 more pile drivers for construction work this summer.

The Navy has agreed to allow temporary mooring of fishing boats at the Cargo Dock on Women's Bay. The steamship will now use Marginal Dock for off-loading.

Mayor Pete Deveau has advised that two underwriter representatives are expected to arrive today and another one tomorrow.

An announcement on last night's TV program stated: "Families are asked not to use electric dryers unless they have small children." Guess that's cause the big child-ren won't fit in them or don't know how to operate the dryers. Seriously...the rea-son for not using the dryers is that they draw so much electricity which is dearly needed and must be conserved wherever possible now.

Skipper Neal Von Scheeles Shuyak rescued forty survivors from Old Kaguayak Saturday. Only one house was left there. They also picked up six at Old Harbor. Neal said his uncle, Skipper Herman Von Scheele, picked up Eddie and Annie Pestrikoff from Shear-water Bay. They raced up the mountainside and escaped the tidal wave which swept the cannery away. Assisting Neal were George Gadder and Rodney Saxton.


Following is a list of boats lost or missing prepared by Pat Cannon, who said addi-tions would probably be made as time goes by: LOST: Seabird, Jaguar, Lucky Star, Henning J. Oranius, Victory Maid, Lois, Spruce Cape, Ocean Queen, KFC6, UF2. BOATS HIGH AND DRY UPTOWN: Quadra, Cindy, Albatross, Hekla, Mary Ruby, Shell's Scow, Yu-kon, A. Ribich, Selief, Betts, Explorer and Boat 7613. In addition, thirty some boats, mostly smaller ones, are sunk or missing of which about 15 can possibly be raised, Pat said.

Mrs. Eudora Preston has been named Food Price Controller.

People who are homeless due to the disaster are asked to report immediately to the high school in order to enable the City to determine the number of houses lost, the extent of damage, the names and ages of family members and where the family can be reached.

Frank Irick reports that 609 were housed and 715 fed at the high school on Sat. Mar., 28; 340 housed, 650 fed on Sunday and 211 housed and 250-fed on Monday. Also an es-timated 300 sandwiches per day were distributed.

About 250 Old Harbor and Kaguyak refugees have been evacuated by the military to Elmendorf AFB and the Bureau of Indian Affairs is housing these people in a school in the Anchorage area.

Homeless persons may obtain certain items of groceries at the Armory, according to Mabel Skinner who is handling the distribution of such food items. "We have lots of baby food and canned milk on hand and limited amounts of other foods", she advises. Persons who need such food items must first contact Mabel Skinner in Room 103 (lower-floor) of the high school BEFORE going to the Armory.