UAA Student Health Plan
Students' eligibility for health insurance through UAA
At UAA, there are 2 options for students.
1. Eligibility to receive services at the Student Health and Counseling Center
Requires that students are registered for 6 or more academic credits – if in Kodiak, students can elect to pay the SHCC fee and could visit the SHCC in Anchorage for very low cost health and counseling services. Note: Students have to travel to Anchorage paying their own expenses to receive services.
2.Purchasing optional health insurance through United HealthCare
To qualify for the optional health insurance, students MUST be enrolled in 6 or more credits and have paid the SHCC fee. If eligible for services from SHCC, students have the option of purchasing health insurance through United HealthCare
Contact Michelle Bach at or call (907) 786-4051 to determine eligibility.
Or go to UAA Student Health and Counseling Center, Eligibility, Billing and Insurance.