Georgia Norman Letter

 Letter from Georgia Norman to her family

Courtesy of Nancy Norman Sweeney

1st page of a handwritten letter from Georgia Norman to her family penned on Kodiak Hotel letterhead. Text of letter below image

Kodiak Hotel
Kodiak, Alaska


Dearest Nancy and Tom-

                In addition to everything else we have been worried about you four. Do pray you were not injured and that you come thru without any loss. Let us hear from you as soon as you can find time. Know Tom must be terribly busy and you too between home and the hospital.

                Dad and I got out by the skin of our teeth. We both had on old clothes and hadn’t eaten anything since 7AM coffee and toast. Dad had a sandwich. No eat no sleep for 48 hrs. The water was at the corner between the Mecca liquor and Theater when we ran for the car on the school grounds. A huge big halibut boat is there. Everything gone on that street. Well most buildings just disappeared but ours was picked up and apparently shook like a dust cloth and put back a foot ahead, but it is


3rd page of a handwritten letter from Georgia Norman to her family penned on Kodiak Hotel letterhead. Text of letter below image

full of oil and had water four to six feet – am so tired – They are going to bulldoze the buildings starting Wednesday so we are trying to salvage what we can. I just can’t describe the devastation. You can’t imagine anything like it without seeing it. There are just a few buildings left.  We are staying here temporarily. Eat with Sextons. Had invitation from Blankenberg – Dave Savoie (the new banker). Mrs. Connors, etc. but Dad and I feel better when we can be alone when nite comes. Great big houses just floated down the channel. We stayed up at Alaska Com. S. (ACS) Friday, Saturday. Still small tremors.

 Please take care of yourselves and write – All Our Love  Mom and Dad

2nd page of a handwritten letter from Georgia Norman to her family penned on Kodiak Hotel letterhead. Text of letter below image


All of Krafts except Super and that was smashed and full of logs etc

Town Club   Tony’s

Sportland   Lil’s Café

Well everything to Casino and everything to City Hall


Crab Canneries

Small boat harbor

On and on ad infinitum

On Mission everything to little house you kids lived in where Ray Martin Jr. lives

Mable Jenner died from heart

Our loss according to recent appraisals (2) $60,000 plus all personal possessions